Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Save Money On Your Home Energy Costs

Microsoft has a free website that allows home owners to determine their electric & gas home energy costs. The site free :-)

Once you complete all the information about your home (heating system, AC, washer, dryer etc.), the site makes recommendations to lower your bills and preserve the presious environment.

One key information that will make these estimates/measurements are the energy provider meter readings. As microsoft makes progress with utilities, the estimates will get more accurate and recommendations will be very useful.

Google has taken a slightly different approach with its PowerMeter intiative.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Tribal Leadership -> Fascinating Ideas - Authors Interview & Quick Summary

While reading Tribes by Seth Godin, I discovered the how of Tribal Leadership. It is a fascinating concept. Moreover, the authors describe the how to do it.

If you are short on time and want a 10 sec summary.

Author interview

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Visual Clarity - Ideas For Presentations

One must constantly look for ideas and tips from the world around us to clarify what we want to communicate to others.

Most of the time we are trying to convince others to an idea, a proposal, a new project, a new business line, a new marketing campaign, a new advertising campaign.....and many others ideas.

While browsing slideshare website, i came across this high quality presentation on designing visual clarity art form.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

10 Big Reasons Your Presentations Fail To Move Audience

In current day & age.....Your communication skills either make you or fail you!

I hope we can all learn from the following article. From bnet blog.
