Design Thinker & Marketing Alchemist: Passionate about design thinking driven product creations that customers love, tell others about it, and make the world a better place. I have the design thinking skills, the knowledge, servant-leadership practice and organizational savvy to influence and drive to actionable goals with quantified results.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Friday, October 17, 2014
Where Does Innovation Come From?

The theme of Vanity Fair’s inaugural New Establishment Summit in San Francisco was “The Age of Innovation.” As overblown and overhyped as the word is these days, even a cynic like me has to admit it would be nice to know where innovation actually comes from. via Pocket
Thursday, May 29, 2014
How Your Company—And Your Job—Will Soon Be Disrupted

Not long ago, you could see your competition coming. What you had to worry about most was a new entrant within your industry that had a simpler, lower-priced product. via Pocket
Thursday, April 24, 2014
The Best Leaders Have Mastered This Underrated Skill

Long-winded professionals make lousy leaders. You feel no inspiration hearing them tear through another management monologue. via Pocket
7 Productivity Apps You Can't Live Without

Whether you're an avid user of personal productivity apps already, or you're just downloading one for the first time, consider this refreshed list of options. -- Laura Montini via Pocket
The 6 Best Tools For Creative Work, According To Science

Connecting our minds and bodies--by sleeping, stepping away from the keyboard, and breaking a sweat--might be the best way to get through a creative block. I’d love to have a toolkit that promised me great, creative ideas every time I sat down to work. via Pocket
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Apple vs. Android : Developers see a socioeconomic divide.

This post originally appeared in Business Insider. This map showing the locations of 280 million individual posts on Twitter shows a depressing divide in America: Tweets coming from Manhattan tend to come from iPhones. Tweets coming from Newark, N.J., tend to come from Android phones. via Pocket
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Big data: are we making a big mistake?
Five years ago, a team of researchers from Google announced a remarkable achievement in one of the world’s top scientific journals, Nature. Without needing the results of a single medical check-up, they were nevertheless able to track the spread of influenza across the US. via Pocket
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Do you want to know how global millennial are going to change the world for good?
During Hult Prize 2014 regional judging in San Francisco on March 8, 2014, i felt the passion of 11 teams from across the world in curing chronic disease for the 25,000,000 people living in the slums across the entire planet!
Hult Prize 2014 in partnership with Clinton Global Initiative crafted the challenge for various universities teams from the planet to cure (not prevent) cardiac disease, respiratory illnesses and diabetes for the poor living in slums across the 2019!
5 simultaneous regional judging panels were held in Hult International Business School campuses (San Francisco, Boston, Dubai, London and Shanghai) on Mar 8, 2014. The unique judging experience for our team (San Francisco) was an eye opener!
We saw, felt and breathed the passion, the stories, the connection these young people brought to their ideas for poor living in slums. Teams shared how their own experiences in those slums guided them in dreaming up their ideas to solve the chronic disease for the 25 Million people.
One thing that lit my fire was: these young women & men could empathize with the poor living in slums, while they are from a different background!
The San Francisco regional winning team was from MIT (3 young women and one young man). They already have a working prototype to rapidly heal people in slums who suffer from diabetes related wounds. Instead of daily dressing, their solution would require change in dressing once every three (3) days.
While dramatically reducing the cost for the people in slums suffering from diabetes related wound infections!
Here is another write up from fellow judge Sheryl Chamberlain
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
How to engage your audience for any event...even SXSW (Slideshare content)
Keep these jewels in mind when you are requested to give a keynote address. Give something to your audience.....not expect to take from your audience.
(For some reason Slideshare embed code does not work for eats up the image :()
Keep these jewels in mind when you are requested to give a keynote address. Give something to your audience.....not expect to take from your audience.
(For some reason Slideshare embed code does not work for eats up the image :()
Introverts: Know Your Strengths, And You Can Flourish At Work, Too

By Laura Pepper Wu, editor, The Write Life Magazine. In American business culture, we often favor extroversion. Yet the latest research suggests introverts make up one-third to one-half of the U.S. population. via Pocket
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Will Your Kids Be High-Performers In The Workplace?

In the 1950’s and 60’s, researchers were curious to find out if there was a correlation between intelligence, creativity, and high-performance. At the time, psychologist Ellis Paul Torrance was conducting a series of tests on children. via Pocket
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
A good alternate to Behavioral Interviewing

There are plenty of inefficient and ill-conceived business processes. Some of them are worse than the rest. These Business Worst Practices are more than badly-designed and bureaucratic. via Pocket
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Did GM think about the existing ecosystem?
Did GM think about the larger ecosystem & how their mobile LTE fits in with consumer behavior?
Did they conduct any human centric design sessions or followed the customer home?
Or read 'The Wide Lens'?
Thursday, February 20, 2014
1 Weekly Habit That Will Push You to Peak Performance BY Laura Garnett

Most of us have the desire to be high-performing. The alternative is boredom and less personal pride. Entrepreneurs especially, with their names on the sign, aim high. In the sports world, athletes create rituals and regulate how they live in order to increase their performance. via Pocket
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Saturday, February 15, 2014
4 Soft Skills That You Need To Learn
These skills may be "soft," but that doesn't mean they won't make a huge difference in your life. Over at the Geek Manager site, Meri Williams recently blogged about a phenomenon she sees play out among her teams. via Pocket
What powered European Renaissance? Watch this video....
Watch golden era of knowledge that powered European Renaissance (a completely forgotten & ignored period of enlightenment, tolerance, art/science devleopment):
Learn this skill: Develop Better mindset/Growth Mindset/Create Value Mindset
Watch this video & Learn this skill: Better mindset/Growth Mindset/Create Value Mindset
Heidi Grant Halvorson: The Incredible Benefits of a "Get Better" Mindset from 99U on Vimeo.
Heidi Grant Halvorson: The Incredible Benefits of a "Get Better" Mindset from 99U on Vimeo.
Friday, February 14, 2014
eBay Inc. employees use 10% of their time to solve Austin, Texas Non-profits problems
Happy to be part of the eBay Inc. Small Business Challenge Austin Edition....amazing work by eBay Inc. volunteers. What a an effective use of time, skills to help the less fortunate! Thank you eBay Inc. for allowing us to practice connected commerce!
Forget Customer Satisfaction. Think Customer Surprise BY Peter Economy
Every entrepreneur knows that happy customers are the very definition of success, and most will talk a good game about just how much they care about their customers. But new research shows that businesses are failing to put their money where their mouth is. via Pocket
Monday, February 10, 2014
Get People To Open Your Emails (that deliver value to the readers)
Get people to open your emails....
Sunday, February 9, 2014
11 Ways To Create More Time To Think

It could be just a coincidence, but I don’t think so. In the course of the last 10 days or so, I’ve had three in-depth conversations with businesspeople (two of them entrepreneurs) that I truly respect. The theme: Carving out more time to think. via Pocket
Monday, February 3, 2014
As Tuition Increases, So Do College Bureaucracies
Put 50 randomly selected U.S. professors in a room. Within 10 minutes they will be complaining about the growing number of administrators in their universities. Professors aren’t right about everything, yet they have a point in this case. via Pocket
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Mobile Payments, Electric Cars and the Keys to Driving Change

Startups and giants alike are vying to make mobile payments take off big time. This is the way the world wants to go. But while many of the parts are in place, it has yet to happen. Our mobile devices are doing almost everything but payments. via Pocket
How To Strengthen Your Professional and Personal Network BY Patricia Fletcher
If you, like me, have based your network connections on industry, corporation and executive level, you have been missing a golden opportunity. I’ve realized this since speaking with Pamela Ryckman (pictured above), author of best-selling book, The Stiletto Network. via Pocket
4 Habits Of Punctual People
Those people who are always on time? How to they do it? If you are part of the 20% of Americans who are chronically late, get ready to change everything. Plan any event and chances are one in five of the people you invite will be late. via Pocket
The 9 Traits That Define Great Leadership BY Peter Economy
Many leaders are competent but few qualify as remarkable. If you want to join the ranks of the best of the best, make sure you embody all these qualities all the time. It isn't easy, but the rewards can be truly phenomenal. 1. via Pocket
Key to Email Productivity? Better Subject Lines BY Les McKeown

Last week, New York Times reporter Nick Bilton fessed up to having 46,315 unread emails in his inbox. It's no secret that some of us are better than others when it comes to keeping on top of email. via Pocket
The Only Interview Question That Matters BY Lou Adler

Last week, LinkedIn announced to the world that I've been in the recruiting industry for 36 years. via Pocket
How This Ed-Tech Startup Reached 7 Million Students Without Charging Schools A Dime

Tech-savvy kids have propelled the rapid growth of everything from YouTube to Snapchat. But achieving scale with educational technology--and no selfie strategy? That’s a different story. via Pocket
Friday, January 24, 2014
5 Career Blunders You Didn't Realize You Were Making

Whatever your chosen profession, we all have something in common: We’re trying to do the best we can in our careers. Of course we aren’t going to gossip about our boss, fail to meet our deadlines or do anything else to jeopardize our jobs or careers … knowingly. via Pocket
Saturday, January 18, 2014
How Do E-Books Change the Reading Experience?

Each week in Bookends, two writers take on questions about the world of books. This week, Mohsin Hamid and Anna Holmes discuss how technology affects the way we read. In a world of intrusive technology, we must engage in a kind of struggle if we wish to sustain moments of solitude. via Pocket
Karen Knorr: "India Song," the Panchatantra of the 21st Century

Like the pioneering early photographers who found in India a wealth of exotic subject matter, Karen Knorr celebrates the visual richness found in the myths and stories of northern India using sacred and secular sited to highlight caste, femininity and its relationship with the animal world. via Pocket
How to Choose an Air Travel Search Site

Which airline booking sites offer the cheapest airfares? If your answer was Expedia — or any of the other dozens of online travel agencies — you’re wrong. If it was “They’re all the same,” you’re definitely wrong. “It’s so overwhelming, I have no idea”? You’re getting close. via Pocket
Friday, January 17, 2014
How To Conduct Your Own Google Ventures Design Sprint

Editor’s note: This post is part of a seven-part series originally published on Google Ventures’ site, Design Staff. At Google Ventures, we do product design work with startups all the time. via Pocket
Life’s Work: Salman Khan

HBR: What are the key concepts students should understand in order to be successful in today’s workplace? Khan: The one meta-level thing is to take agency over your own learning. In the traditional academic model, you’re passive. via Pocket
Why Even the Worst Bloggers Are Making Us Smarter

This article is adapted and excerpted from WIRED contributing editor Clive Thompson’s new book, Smarter Than You Think. In 2003, Kenyan-born Ory Okolloh was a young law student studying in the US but still obsessed with Kenyan politics. There was plenty to obsess over. via Pocket
How I Saved $30K and Graduated 1.5 Years Early by "Testing Out"

No, tuition shouldn't be outpacing inflation. No, textbooks shouldn't cost $1,200 per year. And yes, employers should look at what each individual applicant brings to the table, rather than auto-rejecting everyone without a degree. Internal vs. External Locus of Control in College via Pocket
An Innovator’s Reading List For 2014

Centric’s Board of Directors recently put its collective minds together to build a list of top (and favorite) books on innovation. Some are classics well-known to the Innovation Excellence community. Others may be currently flying under the radar. via Pocket
How A Quiet Walk Saves Your Creativity (And Sanity)

Our days are short on sunlight and packed with too much stimulation. Here's why a walk outside (even when the weather is gross) can refresh your focus. Blogger-marketer-entrepreneur Herbert Lui was trying everything to get over the 3 p.m. via Pocket
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